Date: August 19, 2010
Start Time: 7:00 P.M.
End Time: 9:30 P.M.
Joan Bodefeld
Jackie Huppenthal
Luneil Morrow
Sharon Palmeri
Carol Rodgers
Judy Whitcomb
Treasurer’s Report
Total in treasury: $160.00
New Business:
It was Luneil’s birthday and she won the door prize, a massaging pen.
Sharon suggested that the money for the Children’s Project be given to Katherine Page Camp - the secretary/treasurer of the IWC - before the end of the year.
Jackie reminded everyone to get the money for the Christmas Party to Sharon.
Since no one was able to contact an illustrator, the group decided to invite Katherine Flotz to speak on her book and marketing for September.
Joan finally received her copyright for her book.
Judy Shared the Children’s Books Insider website, CBI Clubhouse ( It is a resource for many different things writers would need and be interested.
Old Business:
Submission project: Sharon reminded everyone that Writer’s provides a good source for possible publishers.
Jackie will share a sheet she developed to track submissions via email.
Luniel shared pictures of her beautiful granddaughter. She will be going to visit her on the 24th of August. She also shred a brochure with her picture for United Way. She is a volunteer with United Way for about 20 years. Luniel is thinking about submitting her Cereal story to the Chicken Soup for Kids series. Some thought that she could do that on-line.
Jackie won $4.00 and a ribbon at the Lake County Fair for one of her photographs.
Joan was questioning what other buttons she could use for her book. It was suggested that she make a list of all types of buttons. Through discussion, she began to think about contrasting the way things are handled with a button now, were handled in the past (ex. Dial phone, typewriter, etc.)
Sharon’s publishing workshop at St. Joseph’s College was a challenge because of time limitations. The class went very well. Transition into e-publishing was a big point of interest. Sharon shared a book about the thirteen moons on a turtles back based on American Indian folklore. The illustrations and explanations of each moon ( maple sugar moon, etc.) are excellent.
Carol hopes to have a story ready in the Fall based on a true story that her grandmother told her when she was young.
Judy read a story she wrote, My Grandma Is a Science Teacher. The book is geared to 2nd-3rd grade children. She explained that there is a second part that was not quite finished that is the science part. It explains center of gravity that is mentioned in the story. Sharon suggested that she submit both parts and let the editor decide how to use the second part. Also, use contractions when the narrator speaks. It was decided to change “doll” to something more appropriate to current terms kids would use.
Jackie shared her photograph poem about a leopard frog. She is thinking of putting a book together with the photos and poems about these things she has found in her yard.
Project Homework: Everyone has something ready to submit and a publisher chosen by October. Magazines are a possible source for submissions. Just remember to bring information on the publisher and submission requirements.
Christmas Party:
Where: The Lake of the Four Seasons Clubhouse
When: Wednesday December 1, 2010
Cost: $17.50 per person
For: Members of WHO, MHW, Northwest Indiana’s Poetry Society, and Writer’s Expression and spouses, significant others, etc.
Speaker Program: (Current Plan)
o September – Marketing: Kathy Flotz – contact person Sharon
o January – Publisher – contact person Judy
o April – Library agent for purchasing books – contact person Luneil
o July – Illustrator – contact person Sharon/Jackie
Reminder: The Northwest Indiana Poetry Society meets every 3rd Saturday of each month at the Lowell Public Library. The start time is 10:00 A.M and ends at 11:30 A.M. There is no fee to join, poetry only. Contact Tom Spencer at
Minutes respectfully submitted by Judy Whitcomb
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Meeting Minutes - July 22, 2010
Date: July 22, 2010
Start Time: 7:00 P.M.
End Time: 9:30 P.M.
Joan Bodefeld
Jackie Huppenthal
Luneil Morrow
Sharon Palmeri
Carol Rodgers
Judy Whitcomb
Treasurer’s Report:
Total in treasury: $140.00
As an affiliate group of the Indiana Writer’s Consortium (IWC), the attending members of the Magic Hour Writers (MHW) unanimously agreed to support the Power of Poetry Project (PoPP) with a $25.00 donation from our treasury.
New Business:
Jackie introduced a project, Power of Poetry Project (PoPP). This is a children’s poetry writing contest that will be piloted at the Lake Street Elementary School in Crown Point, IN during the 2010-2011 school year. A grant proposal, Writing to Succeed: Fostering Creativity through Poetry is being submitted to Crown Point Community Foundation, Inc. to help fund the pilot project.
The project is sponsored by the IWC as part of their mission to support the development of creative writing. It is based on a very successful project that the Write-On Hoosiers had sponsored for a number of years.
Sharon reviewed the plans for the Christmas Dinner that will be a combined party for MHW, Writer’s Expression, The Northwest Indiana Poetry Society, and Write-On Hoosiers. She shared the information she had received on the cost of the facility.
Jackie reported on the picnic she attended the previous weekend. The picnic was sponsored by IWC. While it was very hot, she and her boys enjoyed things including the silent auction, scavenger hunt, literary bingo, etc. She shared a book by Peggy Archer who is a member of IWC. Peggy gave a presentation on writing tips. Jackie gave us some materials that came from the children’s corner. (Secretary’s note: This was an event open to our group. However, we forgot to mention it at the last meeting. I should have sent an email out with the information but I didn’t. I apologize. I think you should fire me ;-}.
Jackie suggested that we have a kind of library of resources for any materials that we gather that are of interest to our goals. Everyone agreed. It will be housed at Judy’s.
Jackie reviewed some information from one of the self-publishing companies that clarified information about ISBN numbers. Major point: No one can give you their ISBN number. Your book must have its own number.
Sharon had information that stated e-book publications are selling twice as many books as traditional publishing companies sell. A discussion around e-book publishing and self-publishing took place.
A compilation of work by a group is considered a publish work if there is an ISSN number.
Carol went to China visit her daughter. She gave a vivid presentation of what it is like in modern China. (And she did survive the heat, the mosquitoes, her daughter’s four dogs’ hair, and the traffic while having a wonderful time!)
Carol attended a Christian writer’s conference, Write to Publish, at Wheaton College. In our new resource library, Carol has given us quite a bit of literature from the conference. She will share writers’ guidelines that she had from the conference at the next meeting.
Luneil was beaming about her new granddaughter, Cameron Marie. She promises pictures at the next meeting.
Joan talked about using Neil (from the marketing class) to illustrate her Just Push a Button, Grandma.
Jackie shared her delightful bat shape poem with us. She had taken that picture that is the background of the poem during a family camping trip. Tom, poet expert from WOH, said the poem was perfect. She entered some of her pictures in the Lake County Fair. She also submitted poems to Spider. She read the Mouse and the City, one of the books she got from one of the self publishing company she researched.
Project Homework: Everyone has something ready to submit and a publisher chosen by October.
Christmas Party:
Where: The Lake of the Four Seasons Clubhouse
When: Wednesday December 1, 2010
Cost: $17.50 per person
For: Members of WHO, MHW, Northwest Indiana’s Poetry Society, and Writer’s Expression and spouses, significant others, etc.
Speaker Program: (Current Plan)
o September – Illustrator – contact person Sharon/Jackie
o January – Publisher – contact person Judy
o April – Library agent for purchasing books – contact person Luneil
o July – Marketing: Kathy Floatz – contact person Sharon
Reminder: The Northwest Indiana Poetry Society meets every 3rd Saturday of each month at the Lowell Public Library. The start time is 10:00 A.M and ends at 11:30 A.M. There is no fee to join, poetry only. Contact Tom Spencer at
Meeting Adjourned at 8:50
Minutes respectfully submitted by Judy Whitcomb
Start Time: 7:00 P.M.
End Time: 9:30 P.M.
Joan Bodefeld
Jackie Huppenthal
Luneil Morrow
Sharon Palmeri
Carol Rodgers
Judy Whitcomb
Treasurer’s Report:
Total in treasury: $140.00
As an affiliate group of the Indiana Writer’s Consortium (IWC), the attending members of the Magic Hour Writers (MHW) unanimously agreed to support the Power of Poetry Project (PoPP) with a $25.00 donation from our treasury.
New Business:
Jackie introduced a project, Power of Poetry Project (PoPP). This is a children’s poetry writing contest that will be piloted at the Lake Street Elementary School in Crown Point, IN during the 2010-2011 school year. A grant proposal, Writing to Succeed: Fostering Creativity through Poetry is being submitted to Crown Point Community Foundation, Inc. to help fund the pilot project.
The project is sponsored by the IWC as part of their mission to support the development of creative writing. It is based on a very successful project that the Write-On Hoosiers had sponsored for a number of years.
Sharon reviewed the plans for the Christmas Dinner that will be a combined party for MHW, Writer’s Expression, The Northwest Indiana Poetry Society, and Write-On Hoosiers. She shared the information she had received on the cost of the facility.
Jackie reported on the picnic she attended the previous weekend. The picnic was sponsored by IWC. While it was very hot, she and her boys enjoyed things including the silent auction, scavenger hunt, literary bingo, etc. She shared a book by Peggy Archer who is a member of IWC. Peggy gave a presentation on writing tips. Jackie gave us some materials that came from the children’s corner. (Secretary’s note: This was an event open to our group. However, we forgot to mention it at the last meeting. I should have sent an email out with the information but I didn’t. I apologize. I think you should fire me ;-}.
Jackie suggested that we have a kind of library of resources for any materials that we gather that are of interest to our goals. Everyone agreed. It will be housed at Judy’s.
Jackie reviewed some information from one of the self-publishing companies that clarified information about ISBN numbers. Major point: No one can give you their ISBN number. Your book must have its own number.
Sharon had information that stated e-book publications are selling twice as many books as traditional publishing companies sell. A discussion around e-book publishing and self-publishing took place.
A compilation of work by a group is considered a publish work if there is an ISSN number.
Carol went to China visit her daughter. She gave a vivid presentation of what it is like in modern China. (And she did survive the heat, the mosquitoes, her daughter’s four dogs’ hair, and the traffic while having a wonderful time!)
Carol attended a Christian writer’s conference, Write to Publish, at Wheaton College. In our new resource library, Carol has given us quite a bit of literature from the conference. She will share writers’ guidelines that she had from the conference at the next meeting.
Luneil was beaming about her new granddaughter, Cameron Marie. She promises pictures at the next meeting.
Joan talked about using Neil (from the marketing class) to illustrate her Just Push a Button, Grandma.
Jackie shared her delightful bat shape poem with us. She had taken that picture that is the background of the poem during a family camping trip. Tom, poet expert from WOH, said the poem was perfect. She entered some of her pictures in the Lake County Fair. She also submitted poems to Spider. She read the Mouse and the City, one of the books she got from one of the self publishing company she researched.
Project Homework: Everyone has something ready to submit and a publisher chosen by October.
Christmas Party:
Where: The Lake of the Four Seasons Clubhouse
When: Wednesday December 1, 2010
Cost: $17.50 per person
For: Members of WHO, MHW, Northwest Indiana’s Poetry Society, and Writer’s Expression and spouses, significant others, etc.
Speaker Program: (Current Plan)
o September – Illustrator – contact person Sharon/Jackie
o January – Publisher – contact person Judy
o April – Library agent for purchasing books – contact person Luneil
o July – Marketing: Kathy Floatz – contact person Sharon
Reminder: The Northwest Indiana Poetry Society meets every 3rd Saturday of each month at the Lowell Public Library. The start time is 10:00 A.M and ends at 11:30 A.M. There is no fee to join, poetry only. Contact Tom Spencer at
Meeting Adjourned at 8:50
Minutes respectfully submitted by Judy Whitcomb
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