Happy Halloween!!!!
Members Present: Pam, Bernardo, Judy, Luneil, Lorraine, Jackie
Lorraine informed the group about two writing
competitions. The first was the 13th Annual Writer's Digest Short Short Story
Competition and the second was the 82nd Annual Writer's Digest Writing
Competition. More information is available on the Writer's Digest website: http://www.writersdigest.com/competitions/writing-competitions
Lorraine reported
she received rejections from Sasquatch Books and Carus Publishing (Spider
Magazine). She encouraged us to keep submitting and suggested we all enter the
same contests and see how we do.
Judy reminded everyone she e-mailed the group about the
Ladies Home Journal Personal Essay Contest
and the Children's Writer YA Short Story Contest. Links for both follow: http://www.lhj.com/community/your-stories/2012-personal-essay-contest/
and http://www.thechildrenswriter.com/af627/ . We have also included this information
on our Upcoming Events and Contests
Jackie received an e-mail from Dawn Publishing in September that
provided information and links for nature writers and those who teach children
about nature. She will forward the e-mail to our members. She also reported she
got a rejection letter from the editorial director at Cricket Magazine Group.
Jackie had sent in a total of four poems, one of which included a related
The group
discussed future guest speakers including local poet Beverly Stanislawski.
Bernardo started a blog which has an encouraging theme and uplifting
messages. He reported his short story Red and Fred is over 12 pages.
Bernardo started an outline which lists the seven things they encounter before
reaching their destination. Jackie suggested he make a list of their character
traits and incorporate them into each section of the story. Pam volunteered to
develop a tip sheet on character development and will distribute it at the next
Pam is working on a two part self-help e-book series. Her
books will assist people in becoming familiar with their options in a step-by-step
fashion. In addition, she is developing a supplemental workbook that would
accompany the guidebooks.
Judy reported Tate Publishing is still interested in her
story and is willing to work with her in regards to financing options. Judy is
still busy working for Michigan State and has a new group of teacher interns.
She suggested we look into attending writers' conferences so we can make
connections with agents, writers, and publishers and get feedback from them
directly. The group also agreed to look into SCBWI (the Society of Children's
Book Writers and Illustrators) further and consider joining the organization.
Luneil is recovering from a second back surgery and has not had
much time for writing. She is still working on the MHW cookbook though. The
group reviewed the list of recipes, short stories, and poems and brainstormed
other ideas. Jackie will update then e-mail the list. Jackie then suggested
that Luneil revive her feisty Rapunzel character and write her into various
fairy tales.
*** Members are encouraged to keep submitting items for
our cookbook.
*** We are asking members to review their bios and update
them on an annual basis. Jackie will make revisions this winter.
Ask Our Members: Writers are
encouraged to carry around a notebook and pen at all times because you never
know when inspiration will strike, so...We asked our members: When do
you get your ideas?
Pam -
while doing dishes
- on the throne
Jackie -
while driving or at bedtime
Judy -
(no ideas lately) oh no!
Luneil -
when sitting in a strange place
- in the early morning while still asleep
Next meeting: Thursday, November 8th.
welcome! We love writing
for kids and are always looking for fresh ideas and new members. Come see what
we are about before becoming a member. We always have great food and really know
how to throw a fantastic Christmas party!!! Hope to see you at the next meetings :).
dues paid now will be applied to 2013. We offer a discount for students.)