Members Present: Paul, Joan, Jackie, Luneil
Paul was able to attend our August meeting! Paul reported he
is going to take two classes this fall. He only has six classes left before he
starts student teaching. Other obligations have kept him from writing and
painting this year. He is hoping with this semester's easier work load he can
get back to what he enjoys most. Currently he has work featured at Hoosier
Highlander. Paul encouraged Jackie to submit to Studio 659 in Whiting. Members
also discussed other local art galleries and Paul reported he may teach a
parent and child session of Young
Luneil and her daughter are pictured in the latest Lake Area United Way
brochure. It is a wonderful picture of them. Luniel has been an active volunteer for over 22 years. Luneil encouraged Jackie to submit some photos to the South Shore Convention and Visitors Authority summer fun photo contest. Deadline is August 31, 2012.
Jackie announced four out of her seven photographs won
ribbons in the Lake County Fair. She also discussed the upcoming IWC banquet
which will be held this October. Members, guests, and anyone else interested in
writing is invited to attend.
Members discussed different types of list poems. Jackie then
read Sick by Shel Silverstein. Perfect timing for a poem about a child who doesn't want to go to school. See link for poem and author bio.
Joan was quiet, but happy. She also brought homemade cookies again :).
Next Meeting: Thursday September 13th.
Next Meeting: Thursday September 13th.