Members Present:
Luneil, Judy, Cathy, Joan, Jackie
Guests: Suzy and Carole
The Crown Point Library did not have information on local
writing groups but Carole found MHW online. The members agreed we need to give
the various libraries flyers and talk to key people to make sure they know
about us and can link us with people who want to join writing groups or simply
want information. Members also discussed approaching libraries and offering to read to children on a regular basis as a
special program.
Carole worked at
a local preschool as a program coordinator and now does freelance writing. She
recommended Silent Writers Retreat by
Natalie Goldberg.
Cathy has been
writing children's prayers. She read Joyful
Scolding, The Holy Family in my Hand
(a poem with hand gestures), Daily Prayers,
and Lord Hear My Prayer. Members
encouraged her to submit to her church and Christian publications including
Suzy brought in The Grandmother's Cookbook that was
compiled by her sister. It contained recipes from as long ago as 1870 and
included bios on the contributing family members. Suzy then read the first few
pages from her humorous children's story Zilla
the Garden Gnome.
Joan is on page
four of a new book about a search.
Luneil started
writing down a funny true story about a recent trip the chiropractor. Members
thought it might be appropriate for Reader's Digest.
Carole is working
on a children's book about a hamster, also inspired by a true story.
Judy shared a
draft of the MHW cookbook. It includes her illustrations, tips on safety in the kitchen, and also a
measurements guide. Judy read her latest computer illustrated book Lily Grace Explores with Magic Shoes (pictured above). She recently submitted this short
story to a children's writing contest.
Later Judy read Unbalanced. Unbalanced is a story she had written a
while back for adolescents but now has revised it to get ready for submission.
Jackie brought in
a pile of rejections and one promising one she just received that encourages
her to keep sending in her materials. She is now working on several poems with
related activities and plans to keep submitting. She then had members complete
the latest children's activity so she could get feedback and suggestions.
Jackie won four ribbons at the fair and will have two photos in a photography exhibit at the Indiana
Welcome Center until the end of September.
Next Meeting: September 12, 2013
Save the
Indiana Writer's Consortium 5th Annual Banquet with Poet Laureate Karen Kovacik
10th, Avalon Manor, Merrillville, IN.
Write On Hoosiers Annual Banquet Wednesday, December 4th, Lakes of the Four Seasons