Magic Hour Writers

Our Mission: To encourage and promote excellence in writing for children through
friendship, education, and peer support to writing colleagues.

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Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Zoom Meeting Highlights - April 15, 2021

Members Present: Judy, Luneil, Valia, Patty, Karen, Jackie and Helena

Meeting started promptly at 6:30, our second ZOOM meeting and it was a great success. Judy announced that our meetings will continue this way, but the day will change. We will now meet on the second Wednesday of the month. Next month's meeting will be May 12, 2021 at 6:30 pm.

VALIA, read “On Sacred Ground” published on March 29, 2021 at the International Human Rights Art Festival.

LUNEIL, announced she will be moving to Virginia, but will continue to meet with our group via Zoom. We talked about Barty, and the possibility of him having a girlfriend.

KAREN, is hoping to again sell her Rescuing Ivy book.  She has been doing extensive revisions on Ivy’s story.

JACKIE, shared a poem, The Dark Forest, her son Aaron, wrote as part of a school assignment incorporating the Golden Shovel method. A golden shovel is a poetic form in which the last word of each line forms a second, pre-existing poem (or section thereof), to which the poet is paying homage. Jackie, also gave suggestions for sharing documents.

JUDY, read her story about Ryleigh Emma. She also read LUNEIL’S story about Lottie Nora. They have decided to collaborate their stories and combine their two characters to join forces in solving mysteries. There were many suggestions on how to merge the two characters, ideas for a series and recommendations about age groups.

PATTY, read part of Chapter 17, of her Vienne story, THE IRON LADIES.

There was further discussions about the basic Zoom plan, individuals using it for meet-ups and time limits. We also talked about meeting up together, outside in warmer weather.

Meeting was adjourned approx.: 8:40pm.

Next Meeting:  May 12th @ 6:30.

Respectfully submitted by,

Patty Yackanich