Magic Hour Writers

Our Mission: To encourage and promote excellence in writing for children through
friendship, education, and peer support to writing colleagues.

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Sunday, November 13, 2022

Meeting Highlights: November 9, 2022

Members Present:  Alan, Debbie, Jackie, Karen, Pete, Ruthann

Karen has been busy updating six display cases at the Griffith Train Museum. She submitted her revised version of Ivy, now titled “For the Life of Ivy,” and read the first chapter to the group. Her book “Medal with a Heart” was nominated for the Excellence in American History for Children Award.

Alan read his rhyming poem “Mothers are Tougher than Pirates.” Member agreed it needs to be published and discussed submission guidelines and requirements. Alan also discussed his anthology book “Poems for the Pioneer Spirit.” Karen will send Alan a list of 20 publishers that do not require submission by an agent.

Pete shared a rhyming riddle. Members suggested he consider submitting to magazines geared for seniors and their caregivers. After retiring and taking a long break from coaching, Pete’s friend convinced him to take on the new role of boy’s assistant volleyball coach.

Ruthann read “Another Day,” a memoir poem about a dark time in her life.

Debbie reported she is struggling to find an illustrator for her children’s book. Since she is a member of SCBWI, Karen suggested she contact the illustrator coordinator. Members discussed using notes or voice memos when ideas pop up. Debbie talked about adventure books where you create your own ending.

Jackie discussed benefits of meeting in person vs. video meetings but if there is inclement weather, meetings via Zoom will resume. Meetings at Rosati’s will get back on the second Wednesday of the month schedule.

Next Meeting: Rosati’s at 6:30 on December 14, 2022.


Meeting Highlights 10.26.22

Members Present:  Jackie, Patty, Pete Ruthann

Members met in person at Rosati’s in Schererville after meeting primarily through Zoom since early 2020.

Pete briefly discussed the 5th book he had published with Pen It! Publishers. He has written 10-15 Halloween Poems since then and has dozens of rhyming riddle poems. He shared one of his riddles and members tried to guess the answer. Members discussed different ways to share his poem to various audiences.

Ruthann started writing a book set back in England in the 1960’s. She brought the first chapter of the working title “Dawn of a New Day.”

Patty had to find and read comps to her novel, Vienne. She continues to attend workshops, participate in writing challenges, and has been submitting to publishers. Patty has gotten six rejections so far but plans to submit to several more. She is rewriting with a new angle where Vienne has uncontrollable premonitions.

Jackie has been focusing on her work at Lake Central and photography when able. She is considering submitting some old rhyming poems to the anthology Alan, another member, is working on. Pete submitted poems to that project earlier in the summer.