Magic Hour Writers

Our Mission: To encourage and promote excellence in writing for children through
friendship, education, and peer support to writing colleagues.

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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Meeting Highlights for June 20, 2024

Members Present: Alan, Jackie, Karen Patty, Pete, Ruthann, Helena

Karen talked about her book, The Cabooseman’s Garden, and how the 3rd graders in Griffith read her book as part of their local history segment in school. They also get to tour the museum. Members are interested in getting a tour of the Griffith Train Museum as well.

Alan is starting a poetry group at the senior center in Michigan City in August. Class will be every Wednesday morning. He plans to write and share more short stories at MHW meetings. He will start teaching a comedy class before regular MHW meetings starting in July. Members decided we should meet earlier, at 6pm, and plan to start the regular meeting a little later, around 7pm. Alan then read "A Man to be Respected" and another memoir written in poetic form about his uncle that fixed his broken elephant figurine.

Pete read "Poem 171" which was influence by the poem "Casey at the Bat" by Ernest Lawrence Thayer. In it, Casey’s descendants have the opportunity to break the curse and bring honor back to the family name.

Patty reported that she won a free critique through SCBWI then read "Chapter 6 - Laws Ruin my Life."

Next Meeting: July 18th at 6pm (Comedy Writing) and 7pm (Regular Meeting).

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Winter Meetings Recap


Meeting was cancelled



Members Present:  Alan, Debbie, Jackie, Pete

Pete searched for Poe related groups and wrote "Poem 166" which was inspired by "The Raven". He now has written 33 riddles. I would like his work to be featured in Junior Scholastic.

Alan read The Farmer and The Bull which was written for The Pioneer Spirit book.



Members Present:  Karen, Jackie, Patty, Pete, Ruthann

Members decided to change the meeting day so it does not interfere with Write-On Hoosier meetings which are the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month.

Patty has decided to self-publish The Iron Ladies.

Karen discussed Picture Book Party and later sent us a link.


Members Present:  Debbie, Jackie, Karen, Patty

Meetings are now changed to the 3rd Thursday of the month.

Karen reported she was not a finalist in the Picture Book Party which received over 1,100 entries. There are 50 agents and 20 editors involved in the contest and 50 submissions were picked to be featured.

Patty read "Chapter One, Stupid Girl" in her revised novel The Iron Ladies which now fits in the magical realism genre.