Magic Hour Writers

Our Mission: To encourage and promote excellence in writing for children through
friendship, education, and peer support to writing colleagues.

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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Meeting Highlights - June 13, 2013

Members Present:  Bernardo, Jackie, Joan, Luneil, Pam

Guest:  Suzy Stueben


Jackie met Suzy at a Write-on Hoosiers meeting last month. Suzy worked at Purdue University for 15 years as an instructional designer offering computer networking support. Since retiring, Suzy has more time to devote to her stories for children.

Members discussed the updated recipe list and age of target audience. We decided to target children up to age ten. Suzy is interested in help with Illustrator. Jackie and Pam would like more instruction on graphics in general. The group discussed Judy's success in illustrating her own poems and short stories. A few examples of Judy's computer art were passed around.

Joan read Elbows and Peas and the related recipe for Peas and Parmesan Crostini.

Luneil is working on another Lottie Nora story. This time Lottie Nora's adventure takes place at her grandpa's farm. Luneil will submit it to Lee and Low Publishers within the next month.

Pam brought in another poem for her Stuffed Hotdogs recipe but she likes the original poem she shared last month better. She informed us that cookbook companies offer measurements and tips as an option when developing the layout of the book. Jackie said Judy had brought this up as well. The group decided we need kid friendly pictures of ingredients (eggs, butter, milk, etc.), supplies (measuring cups, bowls, etc.), and actions (mix, stir, bake) incorporated in our book. Lorraine had demonstrated this idea earlier in the project when she passed out her recipe for  Rhubarb-Oatmeal Bars complete with steps and clip art pictures.

Pam is still working on her self-help guides. Sharon had suggested she send it out to 30 publishers before she considers self publishing. Pam has since removed all the formatting for the version she plans to send in.

Pam is also still producing weekly newsletters for her church and posted a link to her column on her 
Facebook. The group discussed the benefits of "liking" and "sharing links" on each other's page.

Bernardo shared a poem he wrote about the love of his life - his wife Pam. He then continued the chapter on Stone Castle. He believes his book will be best suited for children ages six to ten.  Members were pleased to learn Bernardo is proficient in Exact Sign Language. The group enjoyed listening and watching him as he communicated songs and his experiences with his hands.

Jackie reminded the group to check the monthly meeting highlights on blogspot and send materials for the MHW Facebook page.

Next meeting is scheduled for July 11, 2013